Coaching Program
The coaching program is good for folks willing to try new things on their own but who want to get started quickly and easily. Via phone, you’ll go over the list of questions Kathy developed to help her write training plans. Based on your answers, she develops a complete training plan including information about your target weed(s), a list of what training feeds to buy adjusted to what’s available locally, what to feed when, and how animals will behave. When you’re comfortable with the plan, you begin training, calling Kathy whenever you have questions or concerns. Coaching program participants also receive the “Cows Eat Weeds” book and DVD. More.... |
On-Site Projects
Each grazing season Kathy works on-site on projects that are unique and/or challenging because of the kind of weed animals are being trained to eat (i.e. leafy spurge), or that involve a large group of ranchers in one area, or are opportunities to add to what we know about cows eating weeds. If you have a project like this, contact Kathy. She can also provide you with materials to write solid, successful grant proposals. |