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Copyright 2010, Kathy Voth, Livestock for Landscapes, All rights reserved
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Cow Pointer

Educated Cows Eat Weeds!

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Other Plants of Interest

The list of what cows have been trained to eat, or have decided to eat after becoming more educated about food is growing every year. Here is a partial list. Download the current list here. Visit my 2009 Boulder County project to download a report that includes nutritional information on the weeds cows ate.


This is a list that I add to periodically as I gather information for projects and speaking engagements.

What About Goats and Sheep?

The information listed here for cows works for goats and sheep too, particularly with proper training. Keep in mind that results will be different with different animals. Smaller mouths and hoofs change how and how much of some plants an animal can eat.


Notes on What goats eat Click here for notes on what goats eat

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Your palatability expert says, nutrients increase palatability, while toxins decrease them.