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Contact Us

The best way to reach Kathy, in order of speed: - I always answer emails whether I'm home or on the road.
Home Office: (520)326-8751 -
When I'm not on the road, I'm generally available 8am - 5pm Mountain Time
Cell: (970)260-2185 -
I'm not much of a cell phone user, though I take it with me when I'm in the field. This is the least likely way to catch me unless I'm working on a project with you.
4435 E San Carlos Place N, Tucson, AZ 85712

Are you reading "On Pasture"?

Kathy and Rachel Gilker are the editors of On Pasture, a free, weekly, online magazine for graziers. We translate research and experience into practices you can use right away. Head on over and get started reading!


Copyright 2010, Kathy Voth, Livestock for Landscapes, All rights reserved
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