About Livestock for Landscapes |
Mission |
Kathy Voth |
My goal is to help farmers and ranchers be more profitable by helping them use their livestock's natural behavior as an inexpensive alternative for mangaging weeds and other vegetation. i started by providing information on managing goats to reduce fire danger to homes in wildland areas. The CD Handbook is the first of it's kind to provide information on the logistics of using goats in the field to build fire breaks, along with the ins and outs of fencing, developing service contracts, and working with communities. When cattle producers expressed reluctance to include goats in their operations, I decided they could just as easily use their cattle to manage weeds and brush. Based on decades of research at Utah State University, and by animal behavior researchers, I invented a process for teaching cows to eat weeds and other non-traditional forages. Ichoose field projects that will advance our knowledge of what livestock, and in particular cows can eat, and to find easy, profitable ways for producers and land managers to accomplish their goals. I share this information on this web site, via a free, weekly, online magazine for graziers called On Pasture, and in videos and books. The book "Cows Eat Weeds" was released in January of 2010. I also makes presentations and we put on workshops. We also now offer the "coaching program" as a quick and inexpensive alternative to getting your cows eating weeds in pasture. |
I worked with the Bureau of Land Management for 12 years before founding Livestock for Landscapes in 2004. My twelve years at the agency allowedme to pursue my goal of helping communities find ways to live profitably AND sustainably in their environment. I have been researching and working with livestock as a land management tool for over a decade. |
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